
Showing posts from July, 2014

3 Ways to Get a loan

Many people have so many good plans that can make them rich within  a short period of time but often, financing them is the problem. Most banks and financial institutions do not give loans to anybody. For somebody to qualify for a loan from them, there are often some prerequisite requirements he/she must satisfy first. Some, if not all, of these institutions require that somebody seeks a job or shows evidence of owning a stable business first-money is given to that who already has it. Here are some three easy steps that can help individuals who do not satisfy these requirements get access to loans. The first thing one can do to get access to a loan is belonging to a chama . Almost all the banks in Kenya have developed special savings accounts for members of chamas . When ten members come together, for example, they pool their resources, hence, the amounts they save will be more than what one person is capable of saving. If everybody contributes ksh 1000 per month, it means the group
What to do the bible says, too much sleep breeds poverty so, i stay awake up to 1 am doing nothing in paticular and hope to get rich by the next morning. but i wake up poorer and wearier this is when i discover that it is not about staying up late but staying up late doing something constructive
An Encounter With Real Nairobians(PART one) by Wanda Wasike The big city was busy as usual. People clad in suits and others in jeans and T-shirts walked faster than I had ever seen human beings walk. The streets were filled with all sorts of people walking in all directions; once in a while colliding like the atoms Mr. Kamau used to tell me about during his physics classes. Loud noises could be heard from as far as Uhuru Park . The hooting of matatus and yelling of touts only worsened the situation. You could only struggle to hear a thing from your friend. This was a rush to catch up with the njivas and the chicks they called chicken before better mouths could smash them all. I always wondered why everybody had to eat chipo na kuku . Along Moi Avenue stood stoutly a big building with bold inscriptions that read "Universal Group of Colleges." On the ground floor were many shops that dealt in phones and accessories, and people were all over the place; each with his/her reas

Are we really backward?

They say we are witches And what about Faust? They say we kill haphazardly, but what about nuclear wars? They say we are primitive, but is homosexuality civilization? They say we are barbaric, but what about colonialism? They criminalize our culture, but look at theirs' divorce, pornography; name them. Did we even have names for them? We are ok, as we are.
Live on Peace They say a lot but we trod on. They provoke war  in us, but we are firm. Peace we love and we have always loved. Many years of peace should not be swallowed by few days of war instigation. None of them means well in any statement. Incitement is no big deal to them peace we have loved, and let's love it always.