
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Age Sets of the Babukusu from the 1800s

 The Babukusu have been in love with history from as early as 1800. This love for history is exhibited in how they named their age sets (bibingilo/chibololi). Apart from the main name of the age set as adopted from the Kalenjin, they added a second that helped them remember when a certain historical event happened. Take note below:   Omunyange 1848: Sia Masafu Omuala (When a leader from the Baala Clan died) 1850: Sia kisenge 1852: Sia khafululu 1854: Sia Siakala wa Mukhwana 1856: Sia Kisila 1858: Sia Nasiombe Maina 1860: Sia Sifumbukha 1862: sia Makheti wa Nelima owakwa Ebunyala. People from the Babulo clan killed Watiki (Omubuya) and refused to pay (khurunga kumurwe). So the Babuya went to Bunyala to have them Bewitched. The  witchcraft spared Tototo (according to Gideon Were, this one was a powerful leader) and killed Makheti. 1864: sia Wachiye wa Lwasaka a.k.a Wachiye wa Naumbwa (this great prophet died in this year). People from the clan of Bakwangwa claimed that Njabikha was respo

Clans of Babukusu of Bungoma District

 Clans of Babukusu The Babukusu of Kenya are divided into 6 major clans namely: 1. Basilikwa 2. Bamwalie  3. Bamalaba 4. Banabayi 5. Baneala 6. Bakikayi Over the years, they have further divided these clans into smaller clans perhaps to completely get rid of inbreeding. Consider the divisions below: 1. Basilikwa The descendants of the Sirikwa Tribe (an extinct Kalenjin/Masai Tribe). They include the Batukwiika (Bakitang'a, Bakwangwa,Basakha, Baluleti and Banambobi), Bakimweyi (Bamukhwana, Banabuyoka, Batolometi and Banesoba), Babuulo, Babambo, Basefu, Bachemayi, Bakolati, Babiichachi, Batilu, Basimisi, Baliango, Barwa, Bakiyabi (Banikeyo,a Banelima and Balikiywa) among others. 2. Bamwalie (Tachoni) They were initially referred to as Bayumbu. Kitimule from Batukwiika discovered them after they were thought to be Kalenjins and cannibals. He established that they were not Kalenjins because they spoke a language like his. They include Barefu, Basonge, Babangachi, Bahabiya, Basang'a