Clans of Babukusu of Bungoma District

 Clans of Babukusu

The Babukusu of Kenya are divided into 6 major clans namely:

1. Basilikwa

2. Bamwalie 

3. Bamalaba

4. Banabayi

5. Baneala

6. Bakikayi

Over the years, they have further divided these clans into smaller clans perhaps to completely get rid of inbreeding. Consider the divisions below:

1. Basilikwa

The descendants of the Sirikwa Tribe (an extinct Kalenjin/Masai Tribe). They include the Batukwiika (Bakitang'a, Bakwangwa,Basakha, Baluleti and Banambobi), Bakimweyi (Bamukhwana, Banabuyoka, Batolometi and Banesoba), Babuulo, Babambo, Basefu, Bachemayi, Bakolati, Babiichachi, Batilu, Basimisi, Baliango, Barwa, Bakiyabi (Banikeyo,a Banelima and Balikiywa) among others.

2. Bamwalie (Tachoni)

They were initially referred to as Bayumbu. Kitimule from Batukwiika discovered them after they were thought to be Kalenjins and cannibals. He established that they were not Kalenjins because they spoke a language like his.

They include Barefu, Basonge, Babangachi, Bahabiya, Basang'alo, Bamakina, Bawayila, Bamakhuli, Baengele, Basaniaka, Bakusi, Basamba, Basamo, Balukulu, Bakobolo, Babichu, Bamalicha, Bamacharia, Bakamukong'i, Bayumbu, Basonge Bamwalie and Banangali.

All of the are usually Baliche and they face the East during circumcision. In an interview on a popular radio station recently, one of them explained that they face the sun during circumcision since this is where power comes from.

3. Bamalaba

Descendants of the great leader and warrior called Malaba the son of Sioka from the Balako group. He led Babukusu on their journey into what's now called Kenya when Walumoli died in Ekukumayi. They include:

Balwonja, Bayemba (Basaya and Bakhwami), Bayundo (my clan), Baala,Bakuta, Basakali, Baliuli, Babasaba, Bakunga and Babuya (Baholo, Basikulu, Bakabo, Bakhufwe and Bamwonja), usually derivatively referred to as "ekholo embi".

4. Banabayi Luso

These were usually called to bless people's property and ask God to bring rain or even stop it. They include: 

Bayaya, Basombi, Balunda, Batasama, Basime, Baleyi, Basekese, Batecho, Bakangala (my mother's clan), Basichongoli, Bakoyi, Baliisa, Bamwaya, and Bayiitu (the clan of Mutonyi wa Bukelembe--the greatest prophet ever among the Babukusu).

They usually refer to themselves as Nabayi Luso.

5. Baneala

Settled in Neala Hills after the fall of Sirikwa and the eventual dispersal of people. They later came to Mwiala, later known as Mwiala wa Mango.

They are the Bachibino, Bameme, Bakisiayi, Bakolongolo, Batakhwe, Bamunaa, Bakhone and Bakhurarwa.

6. Bakikayi

Regrouped at Kikayi Hills

They call themselves "Naluwa" and "Nawanga".

They are the Bamuyonga, Balako (Bakhandia, Bababweyewe, Basiambo and Bakelo), Baechalo, Bachemwile, Bakokho, Basimaolia, Batemulani, Basituyi, Bamusomi (Bamahe, Bayasere, Bamasiukha, Batunguya, Basiuma, Bamabechu and Batoboso), Bakibeti, Bakhoma, Bakisebe,Basibacho, Bakhwami and Bamukoya.

Those that call themselves 'Nawanga' believe that the matriarch of their clan came from the Bawanga tribe. 

These groups share oaths (a topic for another day).

This history is referenced from Boniface Munialo's anthropological work.


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