
Showing posts from October, 2018

Mayi Namakangala

Mayi Jane Naliaka Wenani Omukangala Omukhonjo You are a mother like no other. Your steadfastness Perseverance Patience And industriousness Cannot be equaled or matched For they are immeasurable. When everyone stumbled You remained firm and focused For our sake And the sake of the entire family. Call it sacrificing your today For your kids better tomorrow. Mayi Jane Naliaka Wenani Omukangala Omukhonjo You are a mother like no other. When your agemates Looked for younger husbands For reasons known to them You became even more firm in your belief in fidelity And we could not imagine having our agemate for a father. You always believed and still believe In being exemplary And that has taught us to respect and follow your ways. Mayi Jane Naliaka Wenani Omukangala Omukhonjo You a mother like no other. Where other mothers preferred the cane You went for counsel and treating us as equals For equals are never canned But advised and expected to heed. Mayi Jane